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It's all about the change / re|ACTS Week 14 Message recap
Here are some social media highlights from this week's message. Simply copy and paste them into your Twitter and/or Facebook feed.
Conversion always leads to change.
Saul never made it to Damascus because he could never get beyond the saving reach of Jesus. Neither can we.
If you're breathing, you're redeemable.
All of us have a "but" person: "God can save everyone, but not <insert name here>." News flash, he can save them, too.
Jesus isn't always the most convenient choice, but he is always the best choice.
Is it possible that the very things that are interrupting your life are the things God is using to point you to Jesus?
Faith in Jesus is personal but never private. You were saved to publically display the saving - and changing - power of God.
If we have not changed, then we have not met Jesus, because it is not possible to meet Jesus and stay the same.
It is our outward change that forces the skeptic to consider our inward conversion.
The best testimonies show very real change. "I once was blind, but now I see." Can others see real change in us?
We are not converted to live lives of comfort. We are converted to live lives of surrender.
The life of faith is one of ups and downs, but the life of a follower of Jesus is always trending upward.