SUMMER SERVICE TIMES: Sundays in-person and on YouTube at 9a / Wednesday Prayer at 7p



  • January 12 - Winter Quarter begins
  • March 14 - Winter Quarter ends
  • March 29 - Spring Quarter begins
  • May 30 - Spring Quarter ends

"The next best thing to being wise oneself is to live in a circle of those who are." C. S. Lewis

"It may not be an easy thing to live in sweet fellowship with all those with whom we come in contact; but that is what the grace of God is given to us for." D. L. Moody

"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much." Helen Keller


We're building a better Community Group page. Preview it at


That crazy image above isn't some ancient cave drawing! It’s actually a picture of how Community Groups help us fulfill our mission at The Gathering of becoming disciplers by being near God, near man, and empowered to serve.

Sundays are awesome, and we know that many of us can point to moments in a weekend service when we felt drawn near God. But that can’t be where it ends because life change happens better in circles than in rows, and so everything that happens in a row on Sunday (those lines on the left!) has to point us toward a circle of community (that circle on the right!) where our faith is deepened by being near man.

All of us want meaningful, authentic relationships in our lives, and yet we all know that getting them can often put us in uncomfortable situations. That's one reason why we love the Sunday morning worship experiences at The Gathering, because they allow each of us to journey at our own pace toward the relationships we crave.

At some point, though, you'll want to know the story behind the faces you see on Sundays, and that's where our Community Groups come into play. They are the key behind the Second D in our growth track, and they are designed to be informal, intentional, and inspirational.

Ready to jump into one? Take a minute to explore the groups and then submit the form for the group you'd like to try. Our team will then get you connected with others just like yourself who are learning that all of us were created to live in circles.