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The Power of Redemption | Easter 2013 Message recap

The Big Idea: The cross changes who we were and who we will be.

Here are some social media highlights from this week's message. Simply copy and paste them into your Twitter and/or Facebook feed.

Too often, we take the cross - the symbol of the greatest act of self-sacrifice the world has ever known - and make it all about us.

The cross isn't a wedge between us and them. It's a bridge between us and Him.

The cross brings us to a common place and offers uncommon grace.

Sin is not an us and them problem, but an us and Him reality. At the cross, Jesus is a Savior and salvation gives us victory over sin.

Recognize the sinful human condition falls short of the exalted Godly position and accept the sacrifical solution provided at the cross.

The cross changes who we were through salvation and who we will be through redemption.

The cross doesn't just save us and give us victory; it redeems us and gives us value.

Value is determined by what someone is willing to pay. Jesus paid everything for us which means we're worth everything to him.

We aren't valuable because we're all that. We're valuable because Jesus paid it all for us.

Redemption makes outsiders insiders and gives us a home and a family.

The cross doesn't just say, "I forgive you and you're free." It says, "I want you and you're mine." Being wanted changes everything.

Knowing we are valued by Jesus should change us, and if it doesn't, we nullify the redeeming power of the cross.

It is impossible for the cross to lead us to salvation and not lead us to change.

Let the value that Jesus paid for you become the value with which you live.

We are saved from something and redeemed for something.

Salvation gives us protection; redemption gives us direction. Salvation brings relief; redemption brings life.

Salvation rescues us; redemption restores us. Salvation offers us safety; redemption offers us significance.