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Spiderman and the Gospel / re|ACTS Week 23 Message recap
Here are some social media highlights from this week's message. Simply copy and paste them into your Twitter and/or Facebook feed.
People changed by the Gospel are like Spiderman: ordinary people transformed into something new and filled with power that saves others.
The Gospel does the work. That means salvation doesn't rest on our efforts. We are imperfect messengers of a perfect message.
It is the truth of the Gospel, not the effectiveness of the messenger, that saves souls.
Whether or not someone is saved is not up to us, nor is it accomplished by us, so the person who rejects the Gospel is not rejecting us.
The truth of the Gospel is universal. It is for everyone and is able to change everyone everywhere.
Stop waiting for the perfect time to share the Gospel and start trusting the Gospel to make the time you do share it perfect.
The presentation of the Gospel is contextual. Meet culture where it is and introduce it to Jesus in a way it understands.
"The mission of Christians is not to make the Gospel relevant, it's to show the relevance of the Gospel." - Mark Driscoll @pastormark
The message of the Gospel is confrontational. The real Jesus is offensive and we have to stop apologizing for him.
The reception of the Gospel is variable. Many will ridicule, more will reject, and some will repent.
We can't dictate the response of people to Jesus. We can only be faithful to share the Gospel so that they can respond.