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Handling Conflict / re|ACTS Week 20 Message recap

The Big Idea: Conflict handled Biblically means the Gospel wins even if we don't.

Here are some social media highlights from this week's message. Simply copy and paste them into your Twitter and/or Facebook feed.

Conflict handled Biblically means the Gospel wins even if we don't.

God didn't design us to run from conflict. He designed us to handle conflict.

4 metaphors for dealing with conflict: boxing gloves, megaphones, guns or the cross. Only one leads to reconciliation.

Boxing gloves involve lots of pain, megaphones involve lots of shouting, guns involve lots of blood, but the cross involves lots of grace.

God's method for conflict resolution? The cross. It makes a way for differences to be dealt with in grace.

The main motivation of the cross is always reconciliation. Man to God first, and man to man next.

In order to resolve conflict, we have to talk to each other, not about each other.

Isolation leads to rationlization. Conversation leads to reconciliation.

Reconciliation means making things right even when it doesn't make things better.

Reconciliation may not make you BFFs, but it will keep you free from bitterness.

The heart of God is to reconcile conflict privately so it doesn't humiliate publically.

According to Matthew 5:24, we can never worship our way out of hard conversations.

Sometimes our problems with men stem from the fact that we aren't reconciled with God.

God went to great lengths to reconcile you to himself, and he would like you to go to great lengths to reconcile yourself to his body.