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Being OK with the Gospel / re|ACTS Week 19 Message recap
Here are some social media highlights from this week's message. Simply copy and paste them into your Twitter and/or Facebook feed.
The gospel isn't always exclusive enough or inclusive enough, but it is always sufficient enough.
The gospel isn't exclusive enough for the religious or inclusive enough for the rebellious, but it's sufficient enough for the redeemed.
Some hate the gospel because it includes and some hate it because it excludes. The redeemed love it because it exudes Jesus.
Don't be surprised when the effectiveness of the gospel causes some people to reject it. Preach anyway.
The good news of the gospel isn't always good news to those who hear it, and that's a heavy burden to bear. Our response? Share it anyway.
The religious and the rebellious will never be fans of the gospel until they receive the forgiveness of the gospel.
The same gospel that redeemed you is more than enough to redeem anyone else. If we're breathing, we're redeemable.
When we receive the forgiveness of Jesus, we lay down the right to decide who else gets to receive it.
The good news is better than a good friend, a good job, or a good life, and if forced to choose, the redeemed know what's good for them.
If the gospel is good news to me, then it must be good news from me.
When the gospel is enough, we can deal with anything - good or bad - that might come our way as a result of it.
Sometimes the gospel will include people we wouldn't or exclude people we wouldn't, but it will always enable us to love people we wouldn't.